Tuesday, October 8, 2013

seasons of life

 A word of encouragement. 

As the seasons are changing, so different seasons take place in our life. If you find yourself full of life and wonder, keep seeking the Lord and marvel at his beauty. If you are weary from pain, brokenness or weighed down by past mistakes...hold on. 

 Israel made some big mistakes and they suffered. 

Just as the Lord spoke to Israel through the prophet Isaiah...

 He speaks to us...

"Forget the former things; 
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 
I am making a way in the desert
and streams in the wasteland."
~ Isaiah 43:18-19 ~

Be encouraged that the Lord is doing something in you, despite the pain.
He calls out the beauty from deep within. That becomes a testimony in an of itself. 

Like a flower that begins as a seed, grows into its beauty & retreats for the winter...

Jesus brings new life once again.


Seasons of a Flower 

author: janessa cypher

So bright, so full of life
Where have you gone?
You thrived when you were growing in summer
But now summer has come and gone.

The fall was the start of a new turning point
When change was in the air
As the leaves began to whither and fall
This was more then you could bear

You slowly began to withdrawl
From standing tall and free
And instead you tried to enclose yourself
And make yourself believe

That winter wasn’t coming
And winter wouldn’t be here
But alas the winter came
But you were already too cold to feel

Down, down below the ground
Where your roots went down deep
You knew you were still alive
but in a deep sleep

those days were long and so very cold
the pain caused you misery
time would come and time would go
but you only longed to be free

In those times of uncertainty
When you thought you’d never survive
It was the hope hidden within your heart
That began to call you to new life

The rhythm could be heard above the ground
By those who walked on by
Yet they couldn’t tell what was happening
Or how you were growing deep inside

It may appear that a flower has died
But indeed that is not why
It has hidden itself under the ground
It is just waiting for the right time

For when winter has gone and spring has come
The whole world is beckoned to awake
Including the ones who have hidden themselves
For something is about to shake

A time of rest is needed
But when the day to awake comes
This flower will stand stronger and grow taller
as it flourishes beneath the sun

And in that time, joy will meet the hope
That sustained you no matter where you’ve been
a testimony that its not the outside that matters
but the work God has been doing within


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