the {purl} project
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
seasons of life
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Spreading the Love!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
breaking forth
Friday, July 2, 2010
the {purl} project: in full bloom
The weeks seem to have flown by since our last update. Our {purl} groups are both growing physically and spiritually....the latter being so exciting to see and to take part in. To describe these women and young girls in one word would be impossible, as each of them are so unique and their beauty is both an inward and outward thing.
Marketplace Pearls
For those who have met our bible study group in the marketplace, you know how blessed you are to be in the presence of women who are seeking the heart of God. I was reflecting the other day on how this whole thing began. We had stumbled upon this particular shop in order to get some of our clothing tailored...and the birth of a beautiful friendship began. For the past four months, I am so amazed at how much we’ve been growing both physically and spiritually. The shop was already squished with seven women plus ourselves (Christine, Consolat, Grace, Sarah, Dorcas, Cecila, Christine)...since then we have been joined regularly by Jennifer, Charity, Consey, Lucy who are from the shop across the way.
We began with an in depth look into the life of Tamar (Genesis 38). At the end of our study, and connecting it to what would be our next one through the genealogy of Jesus. To both our amazement and a moment of discouragement we saw at the end of 3 months these ladies connect the story of a woman named Tamar to Tamar and Judah in Genesis 38. However, it has launched us into a deeper study of the word of God.
Currently, we are studying the book of Joshua, and particularly reflecting on the life of Rahab. Last week we had a three more women and even a few men listen in as we discussed how fear tries to consume us and how to stand “strong and courageous” as stated many times in Joshua 1. Again, we are discovering how God uses women just as much as he uses men and his love for us is so great. The five women we have been studying and will continue to study are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. Each took a step of faith causing them to risk everything...even their lives and for a God they did not know, yet felt compelled to make a stand for. They challenged those who should have been walking with God, and their faithfulness resulted in them preserving a family line that would lead up to the Savior of this world.
School Pearls
We are well into the second term of school, and yet our girls group has just recently been meeting again due to holidays and other interferences causing us to shift our meeting to Mondays. We are still studying the book of Esther...from orphan to queen. This past Monday we changed the direction of our girls group, having 6 girls beading, while the rest of the 14 girls listen to the Bible study and do the activities planned. Next week, 6 new girls will have the opportunity to make necklaces while listening to the study.
One of the mothers of our P7 girls approached me after our meeting this past Monday, and thanked us for providing activities for the older girls through our bible study and through teaching them how to make necklaces. She was so thankful her daughter had the opportunity to learn a that is not taught in school. I didn’t think of it before, but making jewelery is one of the ways women provide for their family. I pray these girls can take what the have learned and use that knowledge to help provide for themselves.
House Pearls
Last Friday marked the beginnings of our fourth {purl} group, which takes place at our house. We have only three girls who are members of our d12.3 team (drama & dance through discipleship) and invited them over for a girl’s night. We had tea, bread and a whole lot of fun. These girls are such and inspiration and I have been so blessed to be a part of their lives. Over the past few months I have be privileged enough to hear their testimonies, and the deepest parts of their hearts. Each has a past that has been transformed by the grace and love of God. These are lives of three young women who have known the pain of an abortion, becoming a young mother and having her child taken away, thrown out of home because of a decision to accept Christ and the pressures of being young lady in a society that often degrades women.
After a few hours of talking, singing and making necklaces, we ended our evening in prayer. Each of the girls took one of the necklaces they made with them to give away and share the message of love with someone. At our d12.3 practice the other day, the girls approached me asking when we could get together again to make more necklaces and spend time with each other...we will be meeting again this coming Friday.
Congolese PearlsOur English lessons have been expanding...and at times we are overflowing out of the garage we meet in. The women we have come to know and love have been talking up a storm, which is so incredible to listen to. I assigned them homework for the very first time last Thursday. As soon as I sat down I was bombarded with notebooks to mark. Their task was to write a proper sentence using the words we have been learning. All the women did so well.
This past Thursday was a a special day, as we celebrated Canada Day by singing our national anthem in both English and French. Since French is one of the languages these women do speak, we tried our best to join in. I have always known and will admit, that I make a much better English teacher than a French one.
I am eagerly waiting for the women to have a better grasp on the English language so I can present them with our pearl necklaces. I want them to be able to make the connection themselves, without a translator. I feel the day is coming soon.
Thank you for your support and prayers as we continue to build friendships with all those God has blessed our lives with.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
School Pearls
Last week all the girls made one of the pearl necklaces for themselves and we discussed the message of the "pearl" and our value in Jesus Christ. We also spend time getting to know each other a little bit better. Amanda and I are trying our best to remember names...thankfully the girls are very gracious. We are looking forward to really connecting with these older girls and mentoring them through our Bible study we began

One of the reasons for this groups is to encourage an attitude of "serving" the community of women that live here in Gulu. Our first project is to make enough necklaces to bring to the women's prison and to be able to share the message of Jesus' love with them.

In addition to the girls being able to have fun with friends, do an activity, participating in outreach and studying the Bible, these girls worship like no other. Yesterday, while some girls were still finishing up their necklace, others began drumming and the small room suddenly erupted into a beautiful choir of voices.
I am so blessed to be a part of something so small, yet brings so much life. We are hoping the girls in this group will blossom into strong leaders and be so encouraged by the story of Esther...
Next term we are hoping to add to our numbers by inviting the P5's to join us on Wednesday afternoons...however, Amanda and I will not be leading at of our goals is to mentor the older girls so that they will be the leaders of smaller groups and be able to lead the study....maybe we will focus on Ruth or Mary. Our hope is that this group will continue long after we are gone...through mentorship and raising

Just as a pearl is hidden in an oyster, we are hoping for these girls to open up to us...and truly understand that their value is hidden in who they are becoming in Christ.
" looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" - 1 Samuel 16:7
Thank you for your love and support.
(Gulu, Uganda)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Expanding Territory

After a bumpy ride and mud so deep, we were welcomed with many open arms. It was so neat to see what God is doing in the lives of not only our friends, but the beautiful women living in Tegot. After eating a wonderful meal and the sharing of the Word, the ladies began to praise God
Tegot, formerly an overcrowded IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camp, was created as a result of the past 20 + years of conflict Northern Uganda has experienced. Today homes are being rebuilt and lives are being renewed by the message of Christ.

I recently visited one of World Vision’s project sites, where I found myself sitting with a group of women trying to my best to share the message of the pearl with them. We found success between my broken Acholi, their broken English but mostly due to a woman named Babra who graciously translated for both of us. The women received a message of hope with open arms.
It is such an incredible opportunity to speak life over these women. The feeling I get when their faces light up with a smile as they make the connection between Uganda being called the “pearl of Africa” and themselves being pearls too … cannot be shown simply in a photograph. And every time I explain how a pearl is created out of suffering and becomes a life that is “aloyo” (victorious), I know I am here in Northern Uganda for a purpose.
It brings me so much joy to see these women simply smile and to know that God treasures them…and holds them in his hand. Near the end of the evening we made a stop at World Vision’s Child of War Rehabilitation Center in Gulu. At the present moment they are housing fourteen formerly abducted child soldiers. I was introduced to one of the directors who has contact with the young women that have been released or escaped the LRA (Lord’s Resistant Army) and have begun to make a life for themselves. Most have come home with one or more children and with deep emotional and physical scars. There was a moment that I was overwhelmed at the thought of these girls first arriving in the very compound I was visiting. It reminded me of how the {purl} project was birthed in the first place. I have been so incredibly blessed to watch God use it with women across Uganda, and look forward to bringing it to the young women that God broke my heart for on my last trip to Uganda in 2008.
GULU - Uganda

An unexpected speaking engagement caught me off guard, but as always God had a message prepared for me to speak. Ironically enough I was asked to speak at a singles conference called “Foundations for Marriage and Ministry.” Although the conference had about 150 + in attendance both men and women, I found my message directed to the ladies. God continues to amaze me with the opportunities we are being presented with and the connections we are making with those living in and around Gulu.
I have also begun working with some of the Congolese women that have moved to Gulu in order to escape the LRA in Congo. As a result of poverty, these women were found prostituting themselves in order to provide for their children. While some are beginning to find other jobs and get themselves off the street, I have been teaching English. Up until this week I had 7 women I was teaching, but upon arriving to class on Tuesday, I found about 30 women waiting for me in one very small garage. These women are the ones who braided my hair a few weeks back, which at that time could not communicate with me at all. I can’t believe how fast they are picking English…when I connect it to some of the Swahili words I have managed to pick up…they respond so enthusiastically. I am waiting until the women have a better understanding of the language so I can share the message of the pearl with them. I am eagerly waiting for that day! I have been asked to share the message with the whole community of 80+ Congolese women. Needless to say, I am so thankful for those of you who have spent time making them. I am looking forward to the Heartstrings team coming out here in August!
Canada, USA, Guatemala & Beyond…
As much as God has been opening doors for the {purl} project here in Uganda, he has been on the move in other parts of the world. I recently received an email from one of the missionaries that was living with me until her return to Kansas last month. She is connected with a team going to Guatemala and is preparing to take the {purl} project there.
I have also received emails and asked for information about the project so they can bring it to summer camps both in Manitoba, Canada and California. It is so exciting to be here and hear about what God is doing across the world.
Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in the lives of women and girls here in the Pearl of Africa…and wherever else you find yourself sharing God’s love.

After seeing the incredible results of giving our necklaces out at St. Monica’s many of the girls decided to make more so that we would have enough necklaces for all the girls at Anderson Home.
When we headed out to message. I’ve never seen such a transformation before. She was so incredibly filled with joy, happiness, and God’s love. I fully believe that she ‘got the message’ and now I just pray that she never starts to doubt it!
The necklaces in
Much love and blessings, Jalysia (Arbourg Youth Group)
Picture 1: Julianne and I at St. Monica’s Picture 2: