The past few months have been wonderful as we have been continuing to spread the message of the love of the Father to the girls and women we meet.
The team was able to join our Marketplace Pearls bible study for two days. The ladies were overjoyed to meet part of my family and friends. They were also deeply touched and encouraged by those who spoke to them. They continue to ask me about the our Canadian team and talk about how they need to be filled full of God, like the beach ball was filled full of air...

The past month of August was very busy as a team from Canada came out to Uganda for two weeks. With them they brought more pearl necklaces that were made by various groups of young girls in Winnipeg and the surrounding area. The ladies who have been leading the {purl} project from Canada were all on the team. It was such a blessing to have them come and share in the growth that has come over the past few months.
Marketplace Pearls
While I was away in Kampala with the team...the month of August flew by. Upon returning to Gulu, the ladies informed me that they had finished thier study on Ruth. It was so encouraging to hear them sharing the parts of the study that really touched their hearts. As I walked around to the neighboring shops to invite the ladies to join us, I heard singing coming from our shop. I've always been on the inside when we've begun worship. To be walking in the marketplace and hearing their beautiful voices in harmony light up the place...I began thanking God. These women are incredible women and growing in their faith and devotion to God. We will be starting a new study called "Waking the Dead" - John Eldgredge...a call to awaken our hearts to God's call, purpose and love for us.
Congolese Pearls
Congolese Pearls, who I’ve been teaching English. To say they were excited would be an understatement. The five of us were soon engulfed in hugs and “hellos.” Before I left for Kampala at the beginning of August, I had given each of the ladies a necklace and shared our message of healing and hope. Many of them have been left by their husbands, are single mothers, have come out of prostitution, and are living in a country not their own. However, their hearts are hungry for God. To see their faces light up as they heard the message, brought so much joy to me. They are truly some of the hardest working, most welcoming, desire of learning and joyfully embracing women I have ever had the opportunity to get to know. To introduce a few of the Canadian team members to the Congolese ladies and have them (sort of) understanding each other was such an incredible blessing to see. Although we still have a lot of English to learn, the ladies continue to amaze me with their passion to learn and desire to know God more.