Last week all the girls made one of the pearl necklaces for themselves and we discussed the message of the "pearl" and our value in Jesus Christ. We also spend time getting to know each other a little bit better. Amanda and I are trying our best to remember names...thankfully the girls are very gracious. We are looking forward to really connecting with these older girls and mentoring them through our Bible study we began

One of the reasons for this groups is to encourage an attitude of "serving" the community of women that live here in Gulu. Our first project is to make enough necklaces to bring to the women's prison and to be able to share the message of Jesus' love with them.

In addition to the girls being able to have fun with friends, do an activity, participating in outreach and studying the Bible, these girls worship like no other. Yesterday, while some girls were still finishing up their necklace, others began drumming and the small room suddenly erupted into a beautiful choir of voices.
I am so blessed to be a part of something so small, yet brings so much life. We are hoping the girls in this group will blossom into strong leaders and be so encouraged by the story of Esther...
Next term we are hoping to add to our numbers by inviting the P5's to join us on Wednesday afternoons...however, Amanda and I will not be leading at of our goals is to mentor the older girls so that they will be the leaders of smaller groups and be able to lead the study....maybe we will focus on Ruth or Mary. Our hope is that this group will continue long after we are gone...through mentorship and raising

Just as a pearl is hidden in an oyster, we are hoping for these girls to open up to us...and truly understand that their value is hidden in who they are becoming in Christ.
" looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" - 1 Samuel 16:7
Thank you for your love and support.
(Gulu, Uganda)